Although my eye is repeatedly drawn to anything colorful and bright, I sometimes can't help but adore the simplicity of a black and white room. It has a certain sophistication and timelessness that no other two colors together can match. Black and white can invoke drama, or playfulness when paired with various prints, and even a sense of calm when black is used sparingly in an all white room. I love how black anchors the stark white so naturally in any setting. I would love to do an all black and white room one day, but knowing myself I would surely throw a colorful throw, pattern or some sort of color back in there in minutes. The purely black and white room would probably last an hour in my house! However, I can't deny its true power, beauty and poise.
images: 3,4,5,via lonny mag, 1,2,6,7,8,9,10 via decorpad
or just constantly have bright yellow flowers on the tables! in my dream life, i live in an all black and white home. with some turquoise touches.